Python package

The wrapper can be used as a Python package and allows for interactive use.

The following example builds an SDD for the formula a∧b b∧c   c∧d.

from pysdd.sdd import SddManager, Vtree, WmcManager
vtree = Vtree(var_count=4, var_order=[2,1,4,3], vtree_type="balanced")
sdd = SddManager.from_vtree(vtree)
a, b, c, d = manager.vars

# Build SDD for formula
formula = (a & b) | (b & c) | (c & d)

# Model Counting
wmc = formula.wmc(log_mode=False)
print(f"Model Count: {wmc.propagate()}")
wmc.set_literal_weight(a, 0.5)
print(f"Weighted Model Count: {wmc.propagate()}")

# Visualize SDD and Vtree
with open("output/", "w") as out:
    print(, file=out)
with open("output/", "w") as out:
    print(, file=out)

The SDD and Vtree are visualized using Graphviz DOT:

More examples are available in the examples directory. An interactive Jupyter notebook is available in docs/examples.ipynb