Command Line InterfaceΒΆ

A Python command line application is included with the package that can be used to perform SDD compilation and weighted model counting. This application mimicks the original sdd binary and adds additional features (e.g. weighted model counting).

The command line is accessible using one of three possible methods:

  • After installation using pip, the binary pysdd is available in your path.
  • If the package is available in PYTHONPATH, you can use python -m pysdd.
  • Run the script that is available in the repository.

For example:

$ pysdd -h
$ python -m pysdd -h
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-c FILE | -d FILE | -s FILE] [-v FILE] [-W FILE]
                [-V FILE] [-R FILE] [-S FILE] [-m] [-t TYPE] [-r K] [-q]
                [-p] [--log_mode]

Sentential Decision Diagram, Compiler

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -c FILE     set input CNF file
  -d FILE     set input DNF file
  -s FILE     set input SDD file
  -v FILE     set input VTREE file
  -W FILE     set output VTREE file
  -V FILE     set output VTREE (dot) file
  -R FILE     set output SDD file
  -S FILE     set output SDD (dot) file
  -m          minimize the cardinality of compiled sdd
  -t TYPE     set initial vtree type (left/right/vertical/balanced/random)
  -r K        if K>0: invoke vtree search every K clauses. If K=0: disable
              vtree search. By default (no -r option), dynamic vtree search is
  -q          perform post-compilation vtree search
  -p          verbose output
  --log_mode  weights in log

Weighted Model Counting is performed if the NNF file containts a line
formatted as follows: "c weights PW_1 NW_1 ... PW_n NW_n".