Command Line:

Weighted Model Counting on CNF file

Given a DIMACS formatted CNF, examples/input/simple.cnf:

c weights 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
p cnf 6 3
1 4 0
-1 2 5 0
-1 -2 3 6 0

You can use the pysdd program to perform SDD compilation and weighted model counting:

$ pysdd -c examples/input/simple.cnf -W output.vtree -R output.sdd
reading cnf...
Read CNF: vars=6 clauses=3
creating initial vtree balanced
creating manager...

compilation time         : 0.001 sec
 sdd size                : 9
 sdd node count          : 4
 sdd model count         : 36    0.000 sec
 sdd weighted model count: 0.5625    0.000 sec
saving compiled sdd ...done
saving vtree ...done

The resulting SDD is:

c ids of sdd nodes start at 0
c sdd nodes appear bottom-up, children before parents
c file syntax:
c sdd count-of-sdd-nodes
c F id-of-false-sdd-node
c T id-of-true-sdd-node
c L id-of-literal-sdd-node id-of-vtree literal
c D id-of-decomposition-sdd-node id-of-vtree number-of-elements {id-of-prime id-of-sub}*
sdd 15
L 1 0 1
L 4 4 2
L 5 6 -3
L 6 4 -2
F 7
D 3 5 2 4 5 6 7
L 8 10 6
L 9 8 5
L 11 6 3
D 10 5 2 4 11 6 7
T 12
D 2 7 3 3 8 6 9 10 12
L 13 0 -1
L 14 2 4
D 0 1 2 1 2 13 14

And the resulting vtree is:

c ids of vtree nodes start at 0
c ids of variables start at 1
c vtree nodes appear bottom-up, children before parents
c file syntax:
c vtree number-of-nodes-in-vtree
c L id-of-leaf-vtree-node id-of-variable
c I id-of-internal-vtree-node id-of-left-child id-of-right-child
vtree 11
L 0 1
L 2 4
L 4 2
L 6 3
I 5 4 6
I 3 2 5
L 8 5
L 10 6
I 9 8 10
I 7 3 9
I 1 0 7